“Leveling the Field”

Terrie Grieb looks out on the Bucknell softball complex these days and sees gender equity at work. Grieb, the Bison’s softball coach for 16 years, sees permanent dugouts, a manicured infield and an electronic scoreboard, all features added in the last few years.

Wrestlers at Eastern Illinois, men’s gymnasts at UCLA and hundreds of other male athletes also see gender equity at work, though their vision is far bleaker. They see wrestling mats rolled up and stacked like corpses, the carnage of discontinued programs. They see rosters slashed, programs dissolved and careers ended, all in the name of advancement.

Such is the volatile dual nature of gender equity, perhaps the most profound issue facing collegiate athletics in the last 25years.The gender equity movement, which had been gathering steam over the past decade, has erupted in the past year with ramifications on virtually every campus in the nation, including Bucknell.
